Thursday, May 14, 2009

people and animals

This is an animal, not a person. That's why the title is called persons and animals. What that is is a hermit crab. Hermit crabs go into little tiny shells and then when the grow up the go into a big shell.
See this one is a people one. I like persons more than hermit crabs because hermit crabs really pinch. These are my joy school friends. Tomorrow is our Joy School graduation and i'm not going to be in joy school anymore. I'm just going to stay home until I get to kindergarten.
See, this one is a people one too. I like people, it's because they can wear regular clothes too instead of hermit crab shells. What i'm doing here is eating. And hermit crabs pinch people and then try to bite something. I just eat like a lady.

I like this one because this one is an animal too. I like butterflies because they are so pretty. This is a girl butterfly. Did you know that butterflies, first they are caterpillar and then they my cocoons and then they open their cocoons and the are a beautiful butterfly. I know this because we had some caterpillars. We let them go a long time ago. One called eyeball didn't go away until we came outside again.

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