This is a story that I wrote after going to the Foundling Museum in London

In a corner of the Foundling Museum, tucked away and ignored was a small yellow door. And in that door there was a small little art gallery. I know about the gallery because one day I went through that door.
This is how I found it. I was new to England and I didn’t really know much about it, especially the elevators, I mean lifts. My mom promised me that I could go down in the lift by myself. I tried to do that. Usually in America, the ground level is the first floor, so I went to the first floor but it wasn’t where my mom was. So, I went down two more under, to the basement. And there I saw a little table with some crayons and a some paper where you could draw stories. I started to look around for my mom and just when I was giving up and getting quite nervous I saw a tiny sliver of yellow and a door nob. I knew it was a door because in my house door knobs always go with doors. When I got closer to the door I realized that there was ivy covering the door, but it wasn’t green, it was purple. (That’s why I’m writing in purple). The ivy kept on changing colors, to blue to red to what ever color I could think of. I was starting to get a little bit more scared than I had been in a long time. I was very close to the door by then, so I started to turn the door knob, but before I could even do anything it opened without me even turning the door nob. I thought, hmmm, that’s strange. So I peeked inside the door. Then I said, “maybe I should just go exploring in here and my mom will come down and look for me.” This door was just my size so I didn’t know how high the ceiling were going to be so I ducked before I walked into the door. But, as soon as I walked in, I noticed that the ceiling was way higher than I expected. I couldn't even see the top of it. It seemed like a whole other world to me.
When I saw what I was really in, I noticed that it looked like it was an art gallery. Now, I didn’t really see any real portraits, but it did look to me like it was something like a portrait. Before I did anything else, I just peeked behind the door, just to see if anything was behind it. I said “fewf, there wasn’t, maybe it was just my imagination.” When I looked further into the hall I saw that there was a staircase, I said to myself, “Maybe I should go down it.” When I got to the bottom, it was just another hallway filled with other pictures. And when I tried to look up again, the ceiling was lower. I was getting really scared by now, so I looked everywhere I could, I looked in all the portraits and I just saw one portrait that really looked like a portrait. The portrait looked a lot like myself, and it looked a lot to me like a mirror because when I looked around it moved around, but it wasn’t a mirror. I thought that was pretty mysterious too.
When I finally realized what it was, I saw in the corner of the frame, my mom looking all over for me. She was about to go downstairs I could see in the corner of the mirror. SO I thought that maybe I should go out, but then a feeling stopped me. So I looked forward again and saw that there was another staircase, which i thought was very strange. Now this was not a regular staircase. I could see, in the bottom of the staircase something that looked like a person to me. By now, I was about to scream my head off. But another feeling stopped me. I looked down again and saw that it was a ghost. SO then, I really screamed. I ran all the way back up the staircase, then I ran thought he hallway and there was another staircase and another and another and I thought this was very mysterious because I only went down three. But I noticed something, there was a sign on the steps that said, if you go down these steps, you’ll never find your way back. But I didn’t pay much attention to that, I just walked down. Once I got to a final big huge room I saw all the portraits that I saw in the first and second and third hallways and they were all coming to life.
Meanwhile when my mom was looking for me, she spotted the yellow door. I really didn’t want her to see that because I wanted to keep it a secret. She walked down the stairs and she saw the sign and she thought that maybe I was lost and she couldn't’ find me. But, the same thing happened to her. So finally she reached the room that I was in where all the portraits were moving and coming to life. I was so happy, I almost screamed again. Then, one of the portraits started singing, “Hallelujah!” and the others started being background singers and started singing, “We haven’t seen any humans for a long, for a long, for a long time!” My mom and I thought this was very strange.
Then one of them said, “Quite!” We need to stop singing, we need to get the humans out of here so that the witch ghost won’t get them and put them in a portrait like she did to us. So they said try and touch us and then you’ll be back where you need to be. Quick, before the witch sees us because she doesn’t like when visitors visit us because when someone touches our nose then we are set free and we all go back to where we want to be.
Quickly my mom and I touched all of their noses and then we just jumped in with them. Then, we disappeared out of those canvases and it looked like they had never been painted upon.
We were back to the outside of the yellow door. And all of us flew free like we were fairies who had been trapped inside a witches evil tower (but that was not really true).
Me and my mom got back to the entrance of the museum and we all went back on the tube to where we needed to get. And, as for all of them, they all had a happy ending. Especially me and my mom, we kept it a secret.