This is my baby sister. She is my only baby sister. I love her. Me and her be cute together. We play a lot in our new “work” room, but these pictures are from a long time ago.
Emmeline looks so silly in this picture.
This is me and Emmeline. Me and Emmeline are both wearing flowers in our hair. Emmeline’s is purple and mine is brown.
This is my mom wearing a pink headband that’s mine with a flower on it. I took a picture of her just to match with me and Emmeline because they are all the same except different colors.
This is my brother Charlie. Charlie was with his friend Saul. They were trying to build a jungle gym from all of the bikes and cars in my backyard. It was very cool. I like taking these pictures because I just wanted to put them up on my blog.
This is Charlie and Saul. They are both on the Jungle Gym. They made it a house but they call it a Jungle Gym.
This is Saul alone. Just like Charlie is alone in one picture. He is putting his hips on his waist because he is glad that he made it with Charlie and it was all finished. I’m glad he has a car on his shirt because if he didn’t than he wouldn’t be making a big huge Jungle Gym with cars.
This is Emmeline again in one of my favorite outfits. She looks cute in this picture. When I was taking this picture I thought about if I had bangs like my baby sister Emmeline, cause I like bangs. But I don’t have any.
This is Emmeline in another one of my favorite outfits. She is smiling really big. I think this is when she was just growing teeth, so she only had her two front teeth.
This is my mom and my Grammie and my grandfather. This was when they were leaving. They came because my mommy and daddy when to England, so that there would be someone to take care of us. I liked having them there. Once when we were eating lunch with Grammie, this wasn’t supposed to happen, but Grandfather just appeared at the door. That’s why Grandfather is in the picture.
I am in the aquarium with my Grammie. That’s one of the places that she took me. Look at all the penguins. I love animals. Someday I’d like to be a vet.
This is a huge fish. I like calling it the big giant fish. My Grammie told me that I shouldn’t have done it with the flash because if I did he’d just swim right away. But I did do it with the flash, but he was too dark. If I just put on the flash I don’t think he’d go away. The aquarium I went to, it just went around and around and around and up and up and up until I got to the very top. And they started it with penguins.
Do you know why I want to be a vet? Because I caught a starfish once. I loved the starfishes. I caught two. One wasn’t even alive, it didn’t even have enough water and I saved it. I called the first one quatro because it only had four legs. But the other starfish that I saved had five rays just like other ones do. That’s why I want to be a vet because I helped one of the starfishes get more water and I watched it eat. It was not disgusting, it was actually amazing. That's what I said when I got it. I was at cape cod when I got those two. And then, at the end I had to put them back where they belonged. This is
This is me and Charlie at the aquarium. Can you see the penguins too? Behind us? We couldn't really see Grammie very well, but hopefully you can see her up in that first picture.